Monday, April 20, 2009

"Looking at the Sun" on Chuck (NBC), Lenscrafters and June dates tbd!

We have three pieces of fantastic news to report here at Gramercy

1. "Looking at the Sun" from our debut record, "Gramercy Arms" is going to be featured in the upcoming April 27 episode of Chuck (NBC)!!!!!!!!
The show airs Mondays 8/7c
2. We've also received word that the song is going to be used in an upcoming campaign of really beautiful looking and cool Lenscrafters ads. We'll be providing you with details about that as soon as we get 'em.
3. We are currently booking shows for Boston, New York, Philly and a few other undisclosed locations for June-July with such fine artists as Versus, Plus Minus, Mary Timony's Pow Wow, Mascott and others. Details coming soon on that as well!


AC said...

Awesome song!

Congratulations! (from Portugal)

Roger H said...

Love the song, thankfully Shazam on the HTC G1 recognized you guys so I could go buy the album on iTunes. I see big things in your future - Good stuff.

Abby said...

"Looking at the Sun" is amazing. I had to look for the song title as soon as I finished watching Chuck. Glad I found your blog.


Porífera said...

Hey! I just watched the last episode of CHUCK and I loved you song!!! Besides, it fits perfectly with the show.
It took me a really long time to find out who the Band was and I finally got to your blog... YOU HAVE GREAT MUSIC!! Too bad iTunes music store doesn't work in my country, I'd buy your CD right now!